Ancient RNA World Roaming Across the Human Body (Cancer as an Evolutionary Model)

Author Details

Stupar Milanko

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Published: 12 September 2019 | Article Type :


Now exist strong evidence in a favor of “RNA-first” view of life’s origin. With discovery of extracellular vesicle-mediated microRNA (miRNA) transfer in cancer cells, it is possible to trace evolution of life till the origin of genetic code. Thus, cancer cells can be used as a model to investigate retrospective evolution of life on Earth. In this complexity to simplicity approach, miRNAis seen as a basis for molecular genetics, and vesicles as the origin of cellular membrane systems, cytoskeleton structures, and energy production. This article proposed that “RNA World” was made primary of hairpin miRNA molecules wrapped into extracellular-like vesicles protector, and that oldest genetic code consist of miRNA, i.e. piecemeal of tRNA minihelixes. More precisely, everything begins with the miniRNA (mnRNA)-miRNA seed – like region. This was, at the same time, the beginning of biotic era.

Keywords: archaea, mnRNA and cancer, origin of biotic era, retrospective evolution.

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How to Cite


Stupar Milanko. (2019-09-12). "Ancient RNA World Roaming Across the Human Body (Cancer as an Evolutionary Model)." *Volume 3*, 3, 22-30